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Data Operators

The purpose of this document is to spec TypeStream data operators.





each <block expression>


The each data operator is used to execute a block expression for each record in a data stream. The block expression is required.

each must be the last operator in a pipeline.

Here's an example of using each to make a HTTP request for each record in a data stream:

cat /dev/kafka/local/books | each { book -> http post "{\"book_id\": #{$}}" }



enrich <block expression>


The enrich data operator is used to enrich data streams. The block expression is required. enrich cannot be the first operator in a pipeline.

enrich evaluates the block expression for each record in the data stream and will merge the result with the original record therefore enriching it.

See enriching for more examples.



grep [-kv] [<pattern>|*(<predicate>)] [<path>]


The grep data operator is used to filter in data streams. The default string pattern usage filters by "content" (i.e. the whole record) matching each records against the pattern.

For more complex filter operations, grep supports predicates expressions. See the predicate expressions section for more details.

The following options are supported:

  • -k --by-key - filter by key
  • -v --invert-match - invert the sense of matching, to select non-matching records

Predicate expressions


While in the rest of this document the characters [ and ] indicate optional parts of a command, here they are part of the syntax and must be included in the expression.

[ .field <operator> <value> ]

Expressions can be combined with && and || operators and grouped with ().

Here's the list of supported operators:

  • == Strict equality operator. The value must be of the same type as the field.
  • != Strict inequality operator. The value must be of the same type as the field.
  • >, >=, <, <= Numeric comparison operators. The value must be a number.
  • ~= "Contains" operator. It matches if the field contains the value. Ignores case.

See the filtering streams how-to document for examples.

